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Intuitive Minds Fine Art and Graphics

4 Years Ago

Post Your Favorite Artwork From Your Account And Why.....

This graphic I believe is the rare kind of art that helps people make wonderful changes in their lives. I believe it represents a tool used to advocate the well-being of the greater good. I’ve infused this visual with blessings to support others in manifesting their goals and desires.

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VIVA Anderson

4 Years Ago

Nice thread, and, thanks Abbie.............

This one is my fav. I'm not 'that' altruistic, but, do hope this just raises someone's joy in life.
Rainbows are symbolic (not just) to me. They are the very spectrum,basis for all colours, for Art.
And one shone on my chair, while I was there, and I thought it a blessing to pass on.
Enjoy. Feel Good. Make a Wish.


Joe Burgess

4 Years Ago


You're welcome 😊


VIVA Anderson

4 Years Ago

Dear Intuitive Minds,
Firstly, excuse me posting another, and as you're new, Welcome.
I seem to only succeed in posting the link in forum discussion, first......and then do the message.
That makes it a 'live' link......which is what you're after.
And, sincere thanks for your FAV of my other works, appreciate you.

The image, above, is my 'second' FAV of my own Art. It is the quote that worked for me to
express the words that the image conveys, I hope ! And, I am the 'complete' romantic, and
this about whispers is lovely........all thanks to the inspiration provided by our Abbie's
featured Contests............."Edit This".......the Thread for the Contests is here in Forum,
with links about 'how to' edit the image to enter the contest.........have a look......


Paul Thompson

4 Years Ago

It would have to be "Attraction" because it was one of the situations when painting it that seemed like a happy accident in it surpassed expectations.

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Abbie Shores

4 Years Ago

Ok, go ahead with this one sharing images


Abbie Shores

4 Years Ago

Just for future, you asked what the rules are.


Thank you Abbie! I am very new to Fine Art America and the discussion board. I was unaware that posting images are against policy. I have read the rules and will be sure to cooperate in the future. Sorry about the confusion to others who have posted an image as well, due to this discussion.


Thank you Abbie! I am very new to Fine Art America and the discussion board. I was unaware that posting images are against policy. I have read the rules and will be sure to cooperate in the future. Sorry about the confusion to others who have posted an image as well, due to this discussion.


TL Mair

4 Years Ago

I would have to say this one, not really sure why but it has always been one of my favorites!

The Face of Tatanka by TL Mair



Mo Barton

4 Years Ago

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Wildflowers amid the destroyed trees and boulders. Mt St Helens.
This might be my favourite image. As a geography teacher I had taught my students about the eruption of Mt St Helens for many years. To finally visit and to see the devastation first hand was awe inspiring. To hear about the new glacier that is forming in the crater and the power of nature. However, part of my memory was the wildflowers amid the destruction.....a different power of nature, fighting back in such a harsh environment.


Hans Zimmer

4 Years Ago

To me it is most definitely this one (among others) just because the sheer amount of money, time and preparation that went into this image.

recreated inside view of of a samurais room by hans zimmer

The inner sanctum of a samurais medieval home. The entire scenery (that means EVERYTHING) is bought/collected or/and build and than arranged by me

The japanese signs were painted by myself and mean: Death(left) and Honor (right).
The realisation of this scene, as minimalistic and simple it may look, took me month of lifetime for planning, research, ordering stuff and lots of money of course (Listed below).
The costs for the items alone were around 700 bucks and that does not include the cost for light, post processing and working time. That´s said just to let you know how intense it was in rhe making and how much such a photo is really worth.

- Swordstand for 2 Swords…….....79,-
- Sushi board small......................16.-
- Tatamimatte 90x90, 2x 22,-.........44,-
- Bonsai tree................................25,-
- Sticks + bank………………...........2,-
- Altar, Buddha ….........................14,-
- Sake-Set....................................22,-
- Swords…..................................300,-
- Shoji Wall……............................90,-
- Sushi board large........................22,-
- Tatamimatte large.......................40,-
- Sword Care-Set….......................35,-
- Incense Sticks…........................11,-
- Ricepaper...................................10,-

A short story:
It was late in the evening when the samurai went in his room where he stored his swords.

This could very well be the last night he had to sleep in this world. Tomorrow he would ride into battle to fight the enemies of his Lord and perhaps he would die there and than to meet all his ancestors.
So, he knelt in front of his little altar and his swords and started to paint two signs with the most important words a loyal samurai would know to testify his loyalty to the feudal lord before buddha.
Death was the left -and first Kanji- he painted to testify his conviction to give his life happily and without hasitation for his lord.
Honor, the Kanji to the right, was then paintet afterwards to testify his absolute will to live a honourable and loyal life and –if need be- to die in honor – may it be in battle or from his own hand, if the daymio decides so, should the battle be lost and he was still alive.

After he finished painting he lay down the brush, said a prayer, bowed low, stood up and went to sleep to ride into glory or death the next day. The ink would dry while he was to dream about either blooming like the cherry blossoms or his bones drying and bleaching in the sun …


Hans Zimmer

4 Years Ago



Andrew Pacheco

4 Years Ago

Welcome aboard, Intuitive Minds!

I have quite a few images that are my favorites. At different times I could call any one of them out as my favorite.

This image is one of them. Why? I can't say for sure, but the light from the setting sun was definitely perfect for what I was looking to achieve this particular evening.

Coastal New England Fine Art Photography by Andrew Pacheco


Jason Fink

4 Years Ago

So far, this one, because it was a fun project to take a very ordinary photograph from a local park and convert it into something worth purchasing. I don't know if it's my best piece of work, but definitely my favorite to date. I might buy it myself one day!

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Chance Kafka

4 Years Ago

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It is REALLY hard to choose my favorite; I have so many photos (and some paintings, too) that mean a lot to me and I personally love.

But I think this one takes the cake. It features San Xavier Mission near Tucson, Arizona. This is a very popular church in Southern Arizona and there are countless images and paintings of it. But I have never seen one like this, with lighting and dramatic clouds. To take something so popular, with thousands of photographs of it, but to know I was able to get it in such a unique take unlike any other I have seen, is priceless. My goal as a photographer is to take photos of ordinary things in extraordinary circumstances, and I don't think I have ever achieved that as well as I have with this photo. Plus, I was battling crazy wind, getting hit in the face with sand, and trying to stabilize the tripod waiting for the perfect lightning strike before the rain hit. So not only is it one of the most unique photos I have ever taken, but one of the hardest to get. Yet, it turned out as good as I could ask for.


Mary Bedy

4 Years Ago

I always have a hard time deciding what my fav image is, but at this moment, I think I like this one because it just reminds me there is beauty in life and there is beauty in death. We just have to look:

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Susan Lafleur

4 Years Ago

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I don't really have one favorite, but this is one of them because of the serendipity involved. It started as a really bad photograph, but I'm extremely pleased with the results after toying with it with multiple software programs.


Impossible for me to pick just once.


Shane Bechler

4 Years Ago

I have many, but I really enjoyed creating this optical illusion. This took many hours of work and many layers of images to create the final piece.
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Shana Rowe Jackson

4 Years Ago

I always have a hard time deciding, right now I have a few favorites, but I guess I will post this one lol.

I like the lighting and the contrast that I was able to accomplish. I also think it showcases my skills as a painter. I work in a lot of different mediums, oil paint being one of them. I have always been a bit more insecure in my oil painting skills than I am in the other mediums I work in, but this painting changed that for me.

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Bee-Bee Deigner

4 Years Ago

I am one of those folks who claim that their favourite artwork is always "the next one" :)

However, if I have to choose something that illustrates best my actual self, it would definitely be this one.

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Basically it depicts my own journey as a woman, and Wiccan: I was once a Maiden (young girl, in the Spring of my life), then a Mother (became an adult, entering in the Summer of my life), and now I am close to become a Crone (I am almost 41 years old, my Autumn is around the corner, so to speak).

As time passes by and I become older (and wiser - there's always hope!) some things no longer matter. It took me years of therapy and self-reflection to understand that, no matter how much emotional energy we put on things, they will come and go regardless.


Loretta Kaltenhauser

4 Years Ago

As I create purely abstract paintings and also works that have landscape elements to them it is hard to choose as I have a deep love affair with all of them. I have chosen this piece to post as it was one of the first abstract landscapes where I decided to add some realism in the form of a home and a new series developed from this.

My intent was to show my love of open spaces, peace and solitude as well as the home being a safe haven and place of comfort.

This work was displayed at an art exhibition and didn't sell there, however, I received a call from a women who saw the painting at the show and just couldn't get it out of her mind. She knew she had to have it and purchased it. We delivered it the next day after our phone chat and she has since attended another of my art shows and acquired another work.
I love it when clients become dear friends who are kindred spirits and this painting always reminds me of that special connection.

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Kay Novy

4 Years Ago

Actually I think this one is my all time favorites! I so remember the day I took it (a lot of unpleasant things in my life going on at the time) I felt the need to get away for a while so I went

to one of my favorite local parks and lost my self in photography! And it was taken on a beautiful autumn day, my favorite time of year!

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4 Years Ago

This oil painting is one of my favourites because the solitude, the energy , the sunrays, the light , the cupboard and the room itself is very vivid in my mind back from my childhood and this was such a precious moment of my life with all the universe rolling in ecstasy.

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Alejandra Flores

4 Years Ago

✨It’s this one for sure because of the vibrancy of colors!🙃✌🏻

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Tatiana Travelways

4 Years Ago

I just fell in love with this Crab Apples photo I took at about this time of the year in Canada, a few years ago... for some reason it makes me feel happy :)

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Jani Freimann

4 Years Ago

My current favorite is one of my latest paintings because, well, it's The Bees Knees

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This is Bavaro Beach in the Dominican Republic.
I took a stroll down the beach to look for a Geocache located in a rock shelf shaded by beautiful palm trees.
It was wonderful to relax in the shade & take in the tropical beach views :)
When I got back from vacation I painted this photo that I took from that spot.
I loved how the painting turned out (the Original hangs in my studio) & it happens to be one of my best print sellers!

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VIVA Anderson

4 Years Ago

My newest Fav, because it found me, and is beautiful Nature.....

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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

I alwyas like play of shadows in painting. This one of my big paintings & one of my early favourites. It has smooth washes. And top three primaries ...RYB...It has contrasting dark shadows on foreground.
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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

Go green..This my all time favourite....It has depicted kind of freshness in nature which I had experience in real. It's like sharing moments...Painting was fun and displaying is sharing it. Hope you enjoy ..
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Matthias Hauser

4 Years Ago

Oh, I do have lots of favorites (as I try to create many different lines of art). This is a recent upload I really like:

Fractal Kaleidoscope Art Print for sale

Kaleidoscope | Mandala Art, golden and blue tones.


Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

Artist love his artwork mostly ..but sometimes some art remembered by how it was created .. many times it's challenge to recreate the scene that is in his mind...Watercolour is fantastic but challenging medium .. It is hard to control it. In this painting sky and clouds was main part to create but the focus was boat.. I tried that way without overworking and I was happy for that ..Hope you like it.

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VIVA Anderson

4 Years Ago

Lovely Watercolor, Suhas.

Fire In My most Fav, with thanks to so many who agree....

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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

Thanks Viva for inspiring..
Artists wants tell story behind it's art ..Thanks to this discussion .
About this painting Fine Day ..I was trying to create a serene look but still wanna show movement .. I used horizontal shapes mostly . This is big painting hence painting clouds fast was challenge .. as in watercolulours need to paint before it dry. Tried to give some movement to clouds ..also put tiny birds..
Hope you watch and enjoy I enjoyed in painting.

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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

I was willing to show the mood ..with a simplicity ..used blending of colours Hence the favourite.

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Natalie Holland

4 Years Ago

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I have many favorites, Gladiolus is one of them.


Jim Whalen

4 Years Ago

I have several favorites, this one is right up there at the top of my list.

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Alex Snow

4 Years Ago

Got few favorites but I’d start with this one.

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Mike McGlothlen

4 Years Ago

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I like to laugh so I created this series with the following story.
Alien Vacation - The images in this series are real! Here's the story. Back in 2006 I was on my last trip to Monument Valley. Gary and I were waiting for the sun to go down and I noticed an SD card laying on the knee wall. "Is this your SD card Gary?" No, Gary said. I went around to all the other photographers and asked them, but it belonged to no one. I tossed it into my bag and forgot all about it until, last week. I was cleaning up some gear and checking SD cards for content to backup before formatting for my next trip. I popped the 5th SD card into my Mac and I could not believe my eyes. It was filled with image after image of these aliens all over the United States, just like they were on a family vacation. Here are a few of my favorites and I titled them, Alien Vacation - with the locations, if I could figure them out! Enjoy


Yvonne Johnstone

4 Years Ago

From my dusty side - I enjoy the challenge of soft pastel...
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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

Another favourite ..
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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

It's colourful.
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It seems my favorite artwork is sometimes my newest digital art project, but this photograph has always been my favorite, for it’s simplicity and mood in the fog in the Cherokee National Forest, titled Hanging Garden, a multiple award-winner in several art shows!
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And here is my latest favorite digital artwork:

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Enjoy! Debra



4 Years Ago

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Description7 inch x 10 inch miniature; oil paint on oak panel
Inspired by "Diogenes Sitting in his Tub" by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1860)

Ref: Wikipedia
Diogenes was a controversial figure. His father minted coins for a living, and Diogenes was banished from Sinope when he took to debasement of currency. After being exiled, he moved to Athens and criticized many cultural conventions of the city. He modeled himself on the example of Heracles, and believed that virtue was better revealed in action than in theory. He used his simple life-style and behaviour to criticize the social values and institutions of what he saw as a corrupt, confused society. He had a reputation for sleeping and eating wherever he chose in a highly non-traditional fashion, and took to toughening himself against nature. He declared himself a cosmopolitan and a citizen of the world rather than claiming allegiance to just one place. There are many tales about his dogging Antisthenes' footsteps and becoming his "faithful hound".


Roy Erickson

4 Years Ago

With nearly 3,000 images it's really difficult to choose just one as my favorite. They all remind me of a place, a time, or something I saw. I suppose I will show you this one - as I'm not sure I expected to even see the day much less the beautiful end of that day. Every sunrise is a new beginning - and every sunset the beautiful gift we are given the privilege to see:

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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

Simplicity and openness ..
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Elias Pentikis

4 Years Ago

I have been to a number of places and my main reason for living this flat and monotonous life is to have opportunities to visit many more places in the future.

This panorama is something that literally came out of the blue! It was my first night in the Dolomites in Italy! The first night that me and my friends were at a place that until then we could only dream.
Normally, I would never set-up my camera to capture something. The night had already progressed beyond the blue hour, stars had appeared up in the sky, that green light from the nearby road had been lightening for some time, saturating green the first few meters of the lake. My friends did not even bother to get their cameras out. But I was hoping that if I could push my ISO a bit higher I could catch some light in the sky without burning my foreground. So I did! And I am quite happy and fortune with my choice. In the post-process of this panorama (4 images stacked), I vanished the few stars I caught on camera as they were distracting while at the same time the dynamic range of my Nikon D750 helped me a lot to brighten the sky but keep my foreground under control. And this panoramic image is the first from an adventure that has been one of my best moments so far! This is why I choose it as one of my favorites!

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"Lake Cuyamaca - California"

... simply because it is my latest.

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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

This has vibrant colours and tried to keep fresh without overworking ..

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Riley Bradford

4 Years Ago

Mine would be this one because I really like this calf due to his curious personality, but also because I really like the way the background compliments the color of the calf.
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VIVA Anderson

4 Years Ago

Lovely thread....such diversity !
This is today's fav, b/c I see more each time I look, and realize it is simply beautiful (to me)

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Betsy Cullen

4 Years Ago

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New life in any form is miraculous.


Yuri Tomashevi

4 Years Ago

I started to work in the area of abstract photography just recently.

Abstract photography skills are pretty different from skills used for abstract paintings. Painters have a total freedom from the start. Freedom of an abstract photographer is very limited because he/she have to start from photography. For me it is also a stimulus for additional creativity.

I love my "Orange Blue Abstract Landscape" image for both simplicity and expressiveness.

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VIVA Anderson

4 Years Ago

Today, and every day, this is a big FAV of mine, b/c it's got a message,it's funky abstract cool........abstract=me !
almost a big as Yuri's uploads,lol................why not ?!..................enjoy...............

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Suzanne Luft

4 Years Ago

This may not be one of my most popular images and has never won a contest, but it is my personal favorite. So much so, that I ordered a beautiful canvas for our home. When I look at it, I remember the good times in Roatan and feel a sense of peace and tranquility.

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Mario Carta

4 Years Ago

My favorite, that is the million dollar question. :-)

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Suhas Jagtap

4 Years Ago

Expressive and suggestive!

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VIVA Anderson

4 Years Ago

This is just 'remastered/refreshed',and,also,I so love/appreciate the wonderful comments, with thanks so much.........

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Devendra Patel

4 Years Ago

Don't know why but I like this Painting what I made
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Betsy Cullen

4 Years Ago

This is one of my favorites because I had to climb up a ladder to take the picture to paint plus, it took forever to paint the nest which I was happy with when I was done.

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Gaby Ethington

4 Years Ago

This is one of my favorites - it was the first flower long ago that I actually had in a super focus and has always intrigued me because it reminded me of an artichoke with the colors and the way the blossom leaves on the bottom formed.
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