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The Messages In Our Lives

Frank J Casella


#812 of


The Messages In Our Lives Photograph


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Homewood, IL - United States

Thank you to James Temple for the Feature - The Messages In Our Lives - in The Space Between - Artist Group on Pixels / Fine Art America!

Houston, TX - United States

Only one Person could have lined up those vapor trails exactly correct. LF

Frank J Casella replied:

You know it! Thank you! God bless!

Baytown, TX - United States

I read all of your words in your tribute message and there isn't one that we don't think about, but hearing it from someone else always has an impact knowing others struggle as we. Thank you so much Frank! I love your photography and this one, showing some of the best He has made to make our lives beautiful.

Frank J Casella replied:

Thank you Mary. It's all about helping each other through life, and the business of Art. God bless you!

London, mi - United Kingdom

his is amazing Frank and such an important needed message fl

Frank J Casella replied:

Thank you Gloria

Homewood, IL - United States

Thank you David T Wilkinson for the Feature of The Messages In Our Lives in the Midwest America Photography Artist Group on Fine Art America / Pixels.

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