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Marietta, GA
The Last Dinosaur
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital
Archaeopteryx is a creature that seems to be half bird, half dinosaur. He is featured in this latest of my paleo art series. It lived in the Late Jurassic Period around 150 million years ago and it seems to represent the transition from dinosaur to bird. As a result I've called this image The Last Dinosaur. Though, of course, I'm speaking symbolically. There were still dinosaurs walking around at the same time as this guy. In fact, some scientists argue that he was in fact simply a dinosaur (using Linnean classification) and had no actual relation to modern day birds.
Actually, this work started out as purely a landscape with no fauna. In fact, I would say the landscape is the real star of this artwork. I really wanted to go for the painting look. It lacked a focus though so I went through my entire menagerie of animal models until I landed on the Archaeopteryx.
July 7th, 2011
Viewed 12,265 Times - Last Visitor from New York, NY on 10/07/2024 at 12:16 AM
Sales Sheet
Xalapa, ve - Mexico
Lovely creation. This 150 million creature sure looks like a bird to me. As a dinosaur he's sure got me fooled. Congratulations on your sale.
Culleoka, TN - United States
Yay! Congrats on your First Place contest win, Daniel. I hope you will join the Contest Winners First Place on FineArtAmerica Group, and upload this image to the group. I would like to feature it. :) Here's the link:
Elgin, IL - United States
CONGRATULATIONS!! This wonderful artwork is the TOP VOTE GETTER FIRST PLACE for the Contest DINOSAURS and FOSSILS July 2012!! :^D jrr (contest admin)
Yokohama - Japan
excellent image, great background story as well - the landscape is pretty cool, but the dino is still the real star here as far as Im concerned :D -- V/F
Lakeland, FL - United States
And look how well he fit into your landscape, digital magic Daniel, I look forward to more.
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