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Stratford, CT
Lunar Chinese Dragon On Black
Melissa A Benson
Digital Art - Digitally Augmented Dyes And Color Pencil
It is said that the Chinese dragon brings good luck and power to those who are worthy.
Well, there is something enchanting about an Oriental dragon. And they are so different from their Eastern cousins. This green and purple dragon floats in front of the moon and a mountain looking very fierce.
Perhaps their charm comes from the combination of so many animals. They have the body of a snake, scales of a carp, head of a camel, horns of a deer, the eyes of a hare, ears of a bull, belly of a frog, paws of a tiger, claws of an eagle and a lion's mane. Two long whiskers spread out from their snout, and under it's chin is a pearl.
That's a lot to put into one creature! But it works.
October 15th, 2014
Viewed 35,674 Times - Last Visitor from New York, NY on 09/09/2024 at 5:19 AM
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Parsippany, NJ - United States
Great drawing, Melissa! My first post just happens to be a green dragon too! Ha ha.
Oregon, te - United States
Greetings, My name is Elizabeth from Oregon.. I actually observed my husband has been viewing your website on my laptop and i guess he likes your piece of work, I'm also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works too,You are doing a great job. I would like to receive further information about your piece of work and what inspires you.. Kindly confirm the availability for immediate sales..An get back to me here Thanks..
Stratford, CT - United States
Thank you David! My research into Chinese dragons was a wonderful journey. I"m glad it came across in this painting.
Fort Myers, FL - United States
love the face, colors, shape, contrast, detail and simplicity ! And the subject matter !
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